Human Signs

Constellation 6

Human Signs is a global dance and voice artwork conceived by multimedia artist and composer Yuval Avital, born in the time marked by COVID-19 and interpreting the viral aesthetic of this unique historical moment, gathering over 150 performers from over 44 countries, through a powerfully expressive multimedia fresco.

Human Signs explores in depth the new relationship that we have developed with our own body, as artists and humans, feeling it more than ever as a form for our existence and as an anchor point for our being and everything that happens around us.

Based on the biological, human, and artistic necessity of expression in a condition of forced reclusion, Human Signs invites artists from all over the world to manifest this need through the two most fundamental forms of human expression: voice and gesture.

In the Constellations, art testimonies are presented as solos, duets or polyphonies in a static frame – contrasting to the dynamic interplay of the ensembles – a sort of allegoric painting where every audio-visual testimony becomes an icon representing a peculiar symbol, feeling, emotion, inviting the public to engage with it and capture the hidden meaning. The constellations are presented on Facebook on a weekly basis, platform focused on the engagement and interconnection between the artists and the public.
Words courtesy Yuval Avital.

Watch the clip with Muna Tseng and Rina Schenfeld:

Human Signs is participating in the exhibition Real Utopias, curated by Bianca Cerrina Feroni and Melania Rossi, as part of Manifesta 13, the European Nomadic Biennial.

Human Signs was a chance for Muna and Rina to reconnect (even virtually) after their memorable 1989 performance in Tel Aviv, Silk & Water.